Drop Off/Pick Up Procedures

Drop Off/Pick Up protocol at Cooper:

  1. Follow directions of all the Cooper Staff 
  2. You may only turn into Cooper’s circle drive by turning right from Plum Grove Road.  You may not turn left into the drive from Plum Grove Road.
  3. If you are dropping off or picking up your student in the circle drive, please pull up as far as you can before your student gets out of the car.
  4. If you are dropping off or picking up your student on Plum Grove Road, please only drop off or pick up facing Arlington Heights Road.
  5. You may drop off/pick up on Indian Hill Road by parking on the west side of the street.  You may not park on the east side of the street.
  6. Be careful of students walking and all of the crosswalks

Click here to view a map Cooper’s Traffic Plan.

Thank you for your support in keeping everyone safe at Cooper!